Friday, July 29, 2011

How To Stay Sane While Raising a Family

So, how does a mother stay sane while raising children?? Seems to be the question of the hour. I love when people ask me how I manage to do things. First of all, I am one of those 'all-or-nothing' types that either has to be insanely busy or I shut down and am completely useless. Wish I wasn't that way, but its just a fact of life for me.

I like to STAY active. I do this by working out every day. Even if I can't get a workout in, I try to get outside and play with the kids. I think this is most important for women, especially after having a baby. One of the best ways to ward off problems with Postpartum Depression is by ACTIVITY such as exercise, getting outside, and being around people.

Alicia Miller, a social worker and psychotherapist, comments on why exercise helps with various forms of depression.  

"Regular physical activity promotes the production of the same mood-regulating neurotransmitters that are also increased by antidepressant medications. Additionally, exercise reduces certain immune system chemicals that can make depression worse. Exercise tends to increase your sense of self-esteem, promotes a positive mood and encourages restful sleep" (, 2011).

So based on these findings, why not help your body out by improving your mood and getting sleep, when and if you can. I know that when I workout, I feel like I can conquer anything. Every day I get to experience this feeling by simply sweating and working out. Why deprive yourself of this natural high?

How to workout with small children?

Sometimes this can be easier said than done. As moms, we have to be creative and resourceful. I will blog on this later, but include your children as much as possible. My kids love to do zumba, yoga, aerobics, and run. As parents, my hubby and I set the bar and include them on our journey of health and well-being. Just be careful when you workout with them because one day they will ask you to do exercise X, Y, or Z. Don't you dare tell them no! Stop whatever you are doing and exercise with them, even if for only a few minutes. You build strong relationships but also encourage them to stay healthy. With the terrible childhood obesity rates in the world, they need reinforcement more than ever.

The other way that I workout is by losing sleep. Get up 30 minutes early and do some yoga, aerobics, or anything that gets your heart pumping. Wait--did I just tell you to lose sleep to workout? I sure did! I think working out is worth losing sleep for. Personally I function better throughout the day when I workout versus when I get more sleep. I know I just lost a few of you, but TRY it and see if my method helps you function better throughout the day. If you do try it, leave some feedback for me. You won't hurt my feelings.

Another key to staying sane while raising a family is to have your own IDENTITY. What do I mean by this? No, don't go and get another personality or anything. If your like me, its hard enough remembering things with one identity. I can't imagine being responsible for more!

Develop a way of having time to yourself. I don't get much of this time away from my kids, but I make the most of it when I do. Again, be resourceful and call on family and friends to help watch the kids or call on friends to help you have a little adult-time. This could be going out to dinner and a movie with your significant other, having a GNO (Girl's Night Out), or just getting away from the kids and doing some therapeutic shopping without being pulled/nagged by your children. Our sanity definitely depends on our ability to separate our mommy life from our adult life.

I know some of you have issues with leaving the kids, but JUST LET GO!! I promise you will function better if you can get your own free-time or 'Get Out of Jail' pass.

Stay active and stay happy until next time!


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