Friday, July 29, 2011

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, So Start Building!!

We all know that Rome wasn't built in a day, yet we ignore this thought when it comes to weight loss. If you have ever tried to lose weight, build muscle, increase energy, or tackle Mt Everest, you know that it doesn't come easy.

What is the magic secret?

Surprise!!!  The secret is that there is no secret. It takes consistent effort every day to get the job done. Yes, people take short-cuts, and by short-cuts I mean surgery and crazy fad diets. What is learned by these short-cuts? I am not an advocate of surgery unless it is to remove leftover skin or for something that is needed. And just to set the record straight, I don't think that breast implants are 'needed'! Sorry guys!

How do we get from point A to point B?

  1. Define Point A and Point B: Where are you currently and what is your desired end result?
  2. Time Frame: How quickly are you wanting to get your desired result?
  3. Set Benchmark Goals: Space out your goals during this time frame. Set realistic goals that are achievable. We can't all be rocket scientists and work for NASA, but we all can get through a 5K in a few weeks with very little training.
  4. Accountability: Tell the world what you are planning to do. If this is a weight loss or a get fit goal, consider using software linked with Facebook. Nothing says I am dead serious than posting it on your facebook wall for everyone to scrutinize.
  5. Expect Adversity: Anticipate naysayers and watch how quickly people build obstacles for you. Get ready to jump over hurdles and karate chop some bricks along the way.
  6. Ready, Set, Action: Now that you defined your goal and set mini-goals along the way, get moving.
  7. Surround yourself with people that have similar interests and similar goals: Talk and hang around people that support and lift you up. Find a partner in crime that wants the same thing and see how much faster you get there.
So with all that said, GET 'ER DONE and don't look back. YOU CAN DO IT!! I KNOW YOU CAN!


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