Monday, March 5, 2012

London Marathon Update: 48 days and closing

London Marathon Training Update--March 5

Welcome to my update on training. I have been super busy and gave up a lot of facebook time for Lent. This has been a blessing and has allowed me to focus on training, reading, cleaning, and everything else that I do on a daily basis. I am now entering Week 12 as of today and refer to this portion of training as being in the trenches or the uphill battle (take your pick). These weeks tend to make someone do a little bit of questioning as to why they are running 26.2. Well, let me rephrase. This last week or so has made ME question why I am running as it now has become a chore to don on the shoes 4 days a week and go running. But once I get out there and hit the pavement, I instantly remember why I do this to myself. I LOVE TO RUN!!

There was a moment last week that I felt like running away after a difficult day with the kids. I thought 'Just. Keep. Going. Don't stop'!! Life with 4 kiddos can do that to you but somehow everyday, I live to fight another day and press on. Seriously, how do others with kids do it and NOT work out?! I think I would have had a lovely cream colored straight jacket picked out by now if it wasn't for running. I continually owe all this to God and his sense of humor. His belief that I could run and train for a marathon starting just 4 weeks postpartum while nursing. Yep, not medically indicated but sometimes you have to go with what the higher power is telling you to do.

Here is the update since my last blog.

Week 9 Activity Log (2/13-2/19)


Tuesday--4 Miles outside. (9:43 pace, interval workout with strides/jogging)

Wednesday--HIIT Class (0.5 miles during warmup) + 3.5 Mile Run (10:35 pace)

Thursday--7 Miles (Outside, 9:56 pace).


Saturday--13.1 Miles. Pace 11:04. WINDY!!

Sunday-- 60 minutes of walking, running, light circuits (tricep dips, pushups, plank holds, box jumps). Outside with the family = beautiful!!

Week 9 Mileage Completed...28.1 miles


Week 10 Activity Log (2/20-2/26)


Tuesday--4 Miles Outside. (9:18 Pace fartlek at night). Good weather. By the way, fartlek is swiss for Speed Play. For me that means picking light poles and doing various sprints, strides, jogs, etc during the run).  

Wednesday--4 Miles outside. (10:03 pace, windy).
I also played volleyball for a couple of hours that night. Probably burned 500+ calories but didn't wear my watch so I did not record it. I did record quite a bit of soreness the days after. The mind still thinks that I am 16 while the body says, "I don't think so!"

Thursday--8 Miles. (10:42 pace, great weather). Wore shorts for the first time this year!!


Saturday--17 Miles outside. (10:57 pace + 2476 calories burned). Tough run probably due to over exertion from volleyball and ALL THESE CRAZY MILES. I also found time to do some Pole Fitness that night (first time experimenting with this activity) and went out after to dance my butt off in a club for the first time in years. I probably burned over 3500 calories on this day. Somehow I had energy to stay awake from 4 AM Saturday morning till 2 AM Sunday morning. Thank God for making good food choices.


Week  10 Mileage Completed...33 miles


Week 11 Activity Log (2/27-3/4) 

Monday--REST. Well, I did do 30 minutes of yoga and 75 burpees for time. I was bored.

Tuesday--5 Miles outside. (9:53 pace, 700 calories burned, good weather).

Wednesday--5 Miles outside. (10:26 pace, 728 calories burned).

Thursday--8 Miles outside. (10:09 pace, 1157 calories burned, great weather). Felt great during this run.


Saturday--18 Miles outside. (10:30 pace, 2636 calories burned). Great run and lots of energy before, during, and after. Must repeat this week over and over again. Also found a liking for Stinger Waffles. Bicyclists really need to share their secrets with running. Yummy!!

Sunday--REST. This is suppose to be my cross training day but I often switch my Sunday's and Monday's around due to scholarly obligations. Had fun watching the rain and snow though. lol.

Week 11 Mileage Completed...36 miles

Notes on Training: The last few weeks I really feel like I am getting my speed back and have had a few breakthrough runs. This next week will be exciting as I will be running my first half-marathon...the Cambridge Marathon. I will be working through this week and using the Half as a test of my potential times for the Marathon. I am hoping to run a sub-2:15 time for this event but honestly will be happy just to finish. Either way it will be a PR so that will be awesome!!

Weight Loss NotesSince giving birth to my 4th child nearly 4 months ago I have lost 34 lbs!! I am about 4 lbs away from pre-preggo weight and closing in fast.

Nursing Notes: Since the last blog or two, I have run out of my fenugreek that I was taking as a preventative measure. As a result, my supply continues to go strong without it and I am doing wonderfully with nursing, pumping, and all that jazz. I have been exclusively breastfeeding (feeding and pumping for when I am running) for nearly 4 months. It can be a pain to have this extra stress with training but I am in a pretty good rhythm right now and it doesn't bother me as much as it did when I trained and nursed last time.

I often wonder what it must be like to train without having to nurse or pump prior to running or have to think about how many bottles are available for my little guy while I am out for a run. One day I will get to experience training without nursing.

For those of you wondering how I can do this with no issues with supply...I attribute this to GOOD DIET. I have focused this year to eating better and avoiding processed foods. I also eat MORE PROTEIN. Seeing that I have more muscle mass I decided to increase my protein. This also is due to nursing. Current day research shows that breastfeeding women need higher protein levels to maintain supply and proper nutrition. My daily goal is to get at least 20 grams of protein with each meal if not higher. For example, my breakfast usually consists of a breakfast wrap with egg whites, salsa, and small amount of shredded cheese. I also include a fruit. This usually is around 25+ grams of protein and one of the reasons that I sustain my energy level throughout the days.  

Wish me luck in my half in Cambridge. Sunday March 11, 2012. Where is the time going? Should be a fun time with a great group of ladies that I am privileged to train with.

Till Next Time---You know the drill. Get Active and STAY Active!!!


1 comment:

  1. Cindy, I loved reading this, this morning. It made me chuckle when you said you did yoga/burpees cause you were bored. I think you are doing amazing, I really do. I can't wait to hear what your PR for the 1/2 Marathon is. I'll be thinking about y'all that day. Be careful, have fun, and good luck!!!
