Wednesday, August 3, 2011

For the Love of God, Step Away From the Shovel and LIVE!!

Recently, I read a post on facebook that really annoyed me. Wait, not really annoyed me---PISSED ME OFF! I was reading about someone who had lost confidence in themselves and pretty much already decided that it was time to buy that shovel to start digging their grave. Tragic right?

Why did the comment bother me so much? Well, the person was honestly happy with the STATUS QUO and lacked any motivation to do anything. BTW, status quo people really get under my skin and make me cringe with every fiber of my being. I have always told my husband over the years to please pull the plug if I can no longer function as the motivated, energetic, and happy person that I have always been. In the same respect, he knows to kick my ass if I lose hope or lose the drive that defines who I am as a person. And I don't mean a love tap, an actual ass-kicking, because he knows me and what it would take to get to me. I am not motivated 24/7, in case you think I am some kind of robot or superhuman. There are days that I lack motivation, but I am a visionary and always seem to look forward to the next big goal or milestone.

Since I am dedicated to health and helping those around me through service, I feel like a failure when I can't reach people, especially those closest to me. I realize that I can't motivate someone, but to see that someone has given up seriously makes me cry for them. During my lifetime, I have come to realize that we are HUMAN. Our hearts pump to supply nourishment to our bodies for a reason. THAT REASON IS TO LIVE.  Not just sit there everyday and enjoy a sedentary life while those around you work, but so that you can do something too. I think its a waste of human life to see someone that doesn't want more for themselves or someone that has no goal whatsoever. Sometimes, when I read or see negativity around me, I feel like buying a bunch of shovels and giving them to people that have truly given up the desire to live. Taking life for granted is a pretty pathetic thing.

I learned some of the best things about living from family members. I remember my grandmother always full of life and energy. She enjoyed her life to the end, although she spent quite a bit of time telling people that it was her time to go be with her husband. I know she would always laugh at me in my youth, especially when I told her that I had goals of her being on the Today Show celebrating her 100 years of life. While she fell short of that, I will always celebrate her life and her legacy.

   Why are some people motivated while others have no drive?

 If you take two people of the same age, what makes one person different from the other?

Life experiences?
Family upbringing?

While I may not know the answer, I believe that we all can GET MOTIVATED. We all can get inspired by those around us that are doing positive things and going places. I didn't come from the best background. My parents divorced at an early age and I had to learn how to sink or swim. I could give 1000 reasons why I shouldn't be successful, motivated, determined, inspired, and/or driven. For example, I could say that I am

not thin enough,
tall enough,
black enough,
white enough,
pretty enough,
rich enough,
athletic enough...

the list can go on and on and on! But yet, I refuse to make excuses for myself. Everyday I work on ME and try to improve with age, just like a fine wine. No one will ever be perfect, yet we shouldn't settle for imperfection, if that makes any sense. Why let the past define who we are? Long ago, I decided that the past is the past. All the good, bad, and indifferent really doesn't mean ANYTHING except some pictures in a scrapbook and faded memories. Now the future is different. It holds possibility and promise. I dream of doing lots of things. I set goals for these things, even if some of them are crazy and ridiculous. 

Why should you be any different?

So I say STEP AWAY FROM THE SHOVEL. Don't make someone feel that they have to start making "preparations" and writing your eulogy because you have given up. Whether you are going on 20 or far past retirement, sit down and think about what is most important to you. Write down some goals or things you have always wanted to do. Share those goals with others especially those that are inspiring and positive.

Whether you die tomorrow or in 50 years, what do you want your legacy to be? What will your tombstone read? Rather than watching life pass you by, take life by the balls and make it yours. Take everything in the past, especially the GARBAGE and throw it to the wind. Each day is a new day and a gift from God! A day that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to do.

In the end, it comes down to a simple decision.

Take the first step and decide to LIVE!

Blessed and Living,


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