Saturday, July 30, 2011

Unleashing the Inner Beast: Pump Up the Volume!

I don't know about you, but some of my best workouts are when I am mad, frustrated, or just plain EVIL.

Is this wrong to get your sweat on when you are emotional?

I don't think so!!  In fact, I think that you burn more calories and push yourself harder when you have something bothering you. I call it the Jillian Effect (named for my favorite trainer—Jillian Michaels). In this episode, she is in your face making you confront your fears and making you mad for not manning up to your potential. You workout with something to prove and won't let anything get in your way.

There are plenty of days that I exercise like this. Usually it’s because I have let the day get by me without getting my burn on. By the time my husband gets in the door, he can tell that I need to workout. In man terms, it’s the equivalent to pumping iron. I assume that is what men do when they are frustrated. Whatever the workout, it becomes the focus of sheer anger-tude and RAGE!  If I am lucky enough to run when this happens, I take off like a bat out of hell and don't look back. With each passing stride and foot strike, the anger slowly drains out of me, bringing me back to reality and back to MY HAPPY PLACE.

Why do we have to be mad to work out this way?

Why can't we CONSISTENTLY hit it up with a focused, centered, and determined mentality? It’s not that we are SCARED to sweat or exercise, OR ARE WE?

In my first blog, I talked about marathon training. It’s a good exercise to understand where this fear comes from. Training for a marathon WAS pretty scary for me at first. My FEAR was always that I would die if I pushed myself too far. I was afraid in the early training that my heart would reach a point, that it no longer wanted to continue and just quit. I WAS AFRAID OF DEATH. I even saw a Cardiologist, only to find nothing wrong and get a clean bill of health. I found out through training, that my brain would always get in the way and try to sabotage my efforts. I had to train my brain that I would survive each new distance. This took a lot of work and something that I still will need to conquer with each new goal. During the course of training and running my first marathon, I learned to LET GO! It would be better to workout, improve my health, AND add years to my life, then risk dying young from Diabetes, Heart Disease, or anything else that might be waiting to attack me from my gene pool.

So ask yourself, what is HOLDING you back? What is stopping you from unleashing your beast and going full steam?


Look at those around you that you LOVE. Look at your life and all of it's POTENTIAL. Decide that you want to stick around for awhile to see how the story ends. When the pain comes, and it WILL come, just SMILE. Acknowledge that you are feeling pain because you are ALIVE and push through it till the end. What you will learn will take you farther than you could ever imagine.  

Till next time!


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